Township Committee Achievements

Spot The successful acquisition by Council of land for a carpark.
Spot The completion of the footpaths in the shopping precinct by Council.
Spot A free hard rubbish collection for the town residents, which collected 5 truck loads of rubbish. This led to Council introducing hard rubbish pickup twice yearly.
Spot An Australia Day Town Citizen award with the representation and ceremony held on Australia Day.
Spot A "Light Up Lang Lang" competition held during December (which draws many onlookers from the surrounding districts).
Spot A Line Dancing Evening held on Easter Saturday.
Spot Town clean up's and planting of flowers prior to the mentioned events.
Spot Introduction of this Internet site for the township. Now has its own address.
Spot Lobbying Council for the acquisition of vacant land from the State Government for the people of the town.
Spot After investigating banking options, the Lang Lang Community Bank branch of the Bendigo Bank was opened for business in October '98. For further information, click here.
Spot Joined Casey Cardinia Tourism so Lang Lang can be put on the Bunyip Byways Tourist Route.

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